Ξέραμε μόνο τον άλλο άνεμο. Κι έπειτα ήρθε στη ζωή μας το Aegean Wind. Και τα σάρωσε όλα. Πυρπόλησε τη χριστουγεννιάτικη ραστώνη μας και μαυροφόρεσε την καρδιά μας.
Όχι μόνο τη δική μας. Χτες μιλήσαμε για τις Φιλιππίνες. Σήμερα σας παρουσιάζουμε πώς είδαν την τραγωδία του Aegean Wind εκεί κάτω στο Κουρασάο, εκεί που ρυμουλκήθηκε το καράβι μετά τη φωτιά. Από κει και η φωτογραφία:
Ειδυλλιακό το τοπίον! Θα μπορούσε, δε θα μπορούσε; Αρκεί να μην ξέρεις τι συνέβει μέσα σ' αυτό το ακομοδέσιο. Ξέρεις όμως. Και κοιτάς και θολώνουν πάλι τα μάτια σου...
Λοιπόν, παραθέτουμε την αναφορά στο Aegean Wind που βρήκαμε εδώ:
Disaster ship at Boca
28 Dec, 2009, 07:24 (GMT -04:00)
The tugboats of Kompania di Tou Kòrsou (KTK) had been very busy mooring the Aegean Wind at Boca Sami this morning.
WILLEMSTAD — The Greek disaster ship Aegean Wind had moored at Boca Sami this morning. The bodies of the nine crewmembers that had died during an explosion and fire on Christmas Day had been taken ashore for transport to the country of origin.
Besides the nine casualties, five crewmembers – including a female apprentice officer – had suffered slight injuries. They had been transported to Isla de Margarita for medical treatment after the disaster.
The fire had occurred on Christmas Day when the ship had been sailing approx. 90 miles north of the Venezuelan coast past the deserted island Blanquilla. The Venezuelan Coastguard had boarded the ship and had found six casualties. Three other persons had been missing for quite a while, but had been found by the rescue party on Saturday evening. The cause of the fire is still unclear. The fire had started in the dining area and had spread over the ship as quick as lightning. Three of the victims had been from Greece and six from the Philippine Islands.
The ship had been en route from Salvador, Brazil to the seaport Houston in Texas with a load of steel. The ship, with its 24 crewmembers, belongs to the Greek ship owning company Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd. A Coastguard officer from Greece was supposedly en route to Curaçao to bring the seamen back to their native country.
The ocean tugboat London had towed the 185 meter long cargo ship to Curaçao. The KTK-tugboats Lima 2, Jaro 2 and Malena had assisted with the mooring at Boca this morning. There is a good chance that the tugboat Lima 2 will tow the Aegean Wind to Houston.
Και λίγο παραπάνω, ένα άλλο μέλος του φόρουμ γράφει:
Miami Diver had assisted with the bringing the victims ashore yesterday. The bodies of the nine crewmembers had been severely mutilated by burns and the process of decomposition. For that reason, they had been buried immediately.
WILLEMSTAD — The bodies of the nine victims of the Greek cargo ship Aegean Wind had been in such a bad state of decomposition upon arrival in the harbor of Boca Sami that it was decided not to transport them to their native countries. The decision was made to bury the three Greek and six Philippine crewmembers here on the island.
A raging fire had occurred after an explosion in or near the dining room on the ship last week Friday. The incident had happened westerly from Isla de Margarita en route from Brazil to Houston. The Greek ship owner had decided to have the ship towed to Curaçao.
The Aegean Wind with its cargo of steel is still moored at Boca Sami in expectation of continuing its journey to Texas, by means of a tugboat, for which Kompania di Tou Kòrsou had also submitted a quotation. It was not clear yet this morning who had received the order. The cargo ship had incurred substantial damage by the fire, amongst others to the engine and the steering mechanism. However, the ship disposes of an operational generator and therefore electricity.
The Venezuelan Coastguard had also brought five casualties from the incident ashore. The remaining ten crewmembers had went ashore yesterday for checkup.
Στον ίδιο χώρο δημοσιεύονται και προβληματισμοί για τους νεκρούς της τραγωδίας. Ήταν οι μέρες που οι σοροί ήταν ακόμη στο Κουρασάο. Και ακούγοντας οι άνθρωποι πως πρόκειται να ταφούν εκεί, αναρωτιόντας αν πρέπει να καούν ώστε να επιστραφεί η στάχτη τουλάχιστον στους συγγενείς για να έχουν κάτι από τους αγαπημένους τους.
Ένας άλλος πάλι σημειώνει:
I agree Tibro. I think the crew members that died and their families deserved better than this.
18 ships are listed in their fleet. IMO it would seem that when over 1/3 (9 of 24) of their crew died in a disaster like this on one of their ships, they would have made arrangements to immediately recover the bodies! The articles I've read indicate that they still don't know what caused the explosion/fire or the exact cause of death of any of the deceased. Now they'll never know for certain the causes of death. Will there be an investigation into the cause of the fire?
Προβληματίζονται, πώς να μην προβληματιστούν; Τόσοι άνθρωποι χάθηκαν...
Και μάλιστα μπήκαν και στο σάιτ της εταιρείας του Aegean Wind, που όπως βλέπετε έχουν δώσει και το λινκ της, και ειρωνικά αντέγραψαν το εξής:
Without our competent seafarers, no matter how modern our fleet is, we would not be able to reach our goals. ABCML is committed in providing continuous, high quality training to our mariners. Most of them start their career with us (as cadet trainees) and grow professionally -through frequent, on board and ashore, training programs.
Our seafarers are the reason why ABCML exists. Their and their families’ well-being is very important. As such, ABCML always tries to be close to its people, recognize and fulfill their needs to the extent possible.”
Και ο επίλογος;
This is so sad...but it is a theme seen over and over again.....
They only think of themselves...never the victims or their families...
The easiest path is the culture....
Yes it is sad, but true billb!
Ρεζίλι, για μια ακόμη φορά ρεζίλι διεθνώς η χώρα μας. Κι εμείς κατά τα άλλα βαυκαλιζόμαστε ότι δώσαμε τα φώτα - τρομάρα μας - του πολιτισμού στην οικουμένη!
Και να τα μουσεία μας εγκαίνια και να τα ταραταντζούμ.
Η θλίψη και η οργή έχουν αρχίσει να δίνουν τη θέση τους στη ντροπή. Ντρέπομαι ειλικρινά.
Απέναντι στους συγγενείς των Φιλιππινέζων.
Απέναντι στους Βενεζουελιάνους, που είδαν ένα καράβι καταστραμμένο από τη φωτιά να φεύγει λέει για τον προορισμό του ρυμουλκούμενο και κουβαλώντας μέσα και τους νεκρούς. Και να δηλώνει πως δεν έχει ανάγκη επισκευής...
Απέναντι στους ανθρώπους του Κουρασάο. Που παρέλαβαν έκπληκτοι 9 ναυτικούς σε αποσύνθεση.
Ποιος τις πήρε αυτές τις αποφάσεις;
Και μετά έφτασαν να κινητοποιήσουν ως και τον Πατριάρχη για τον επαναπατρισμό των σορών;
Κάποιος δεν πρέπει επιτέλους να μας εξηγήσει;
Ότι δεν είχαν τα σύγχρονα μέσα ανίχνευσης της φωτιάς και σπρίνκλερς, μας το είπαν.
Άμεση βοήθεια από τη Βενεζουέλα που ήταν δίπλα τους, ζήτησαν; Και δεν εννοώ να πάρουν τους τραυματίες ή να ψάχνουν στη θάλασσα μήπως είναι εκεί οι αγνοούμενοι. Να ανέβουν στο πλοίο και να βοηθήσουν στην κατάσβεση και στην ανεύρεση των αγνοουμένων.
Διαβάσαμε πως ο καιρός δεν επέτρεψε να πάνε Βενεζουέλα και ο καιρός δεν άφησε και τα σκάφη της Βενεζουέλας να προσεγγίσουν το καράβι. Πότε όμως; Την πρώτη μέρα; Τη μέρα που πήγε το ελικόπτερο για τους τραυματίες; Ή την επόμενη;
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